Access To Your Medical Records

A health record is any record of information relating to someone’s physical or mental health that has been made by (or on behalf of) a health professional. This could be anything from the notes made by a GP in your local surgery to results of an MRI scan or X-rays. Health records are extremely personal and sensitive.

They can be held electronically or as paper files and are kept by a range of different health professionals both in the NHS and the private sector. How can I access my records.

This is known as a subject access request.

You do not have to give a reason for applying for access to your health records. To save the NHS time and resources, it would be helpful if you would inform us – if you do not need access to your entire health record – of the periods and parts of your health records that you require, along with details which you may feel have relevance (e.g. consultant name, location, diagnosis etc.) You should also be aware that in certain circumstances your right to see some details in your health records may be limited in your own interest or for other reasons (e.g. to protect the privacy of third parties).

Please note:

  • You can sign up for patient online services to your GP electronic record (please contact the practice for an application form).
  • You can then look at your medical record whenever you want.

If you do wish to make a subject access request then:

  • You can do this in writing (letter, email).
  • You can make such a request verbally to a member of staff or a doctor or nurse that you are consulting with at the surgery.

Please let us know exactly what information you would like.

We will strive to provide the information within 28 calendar days.

There is usually no fee for this.

For more information, please visit